About Us


MissionForPeace.Org was started on January 25, 2020.

Our current efforts are to plan a meeting with people from the community effected by terrorism from the December 6, 2019 terror attack on Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola the State of Florida and officials from the Saudi Government and ordinary people in Saudi Arabia in order to begin the process of healing from the event.  MissionOfPeace.Org was started by Pensacola community leaders who are concerned about a public safety issue that is manifesting as rejection of Saudi military personnel by many people in Pensacola.  The concerns over anti-American sentiment of Saudi’s being trained at NAS Pensacola have lead to efforts to have the training of Saudi’s and other potential hostile foreign fighters to be relocated to locations outside of the United States as requested on a recent WhiteHouse.Gov petition to the President of the United States.

One of the purposes of the meeting between ordinary U.S. people and the Saudi’s will be to discuss the ways to help reduce radicalization by building of an education center in  Pensacola Florida where kids from depressed economic parts of the town can learn practical things that could help lead to employment and scholarships to higher education including leadership skills, computer science trade certifications, etc.. In the hopes of also addressing the problem of terrorism the theme of the center is based on an anti-bullying and pro-Social behavior program being launched that is already being launched by the non-Profit Zero-To-Hero.Org who will run the education center and use it as a hub for their continuing development of their national anti-Bullying Program.  It is thought that if the Saudi’s were to finance the education center in Pensacola that this would help to restore better relations between the people of the community and the Saudi military personnel who live and train in their community because it would send a clear message that the Saudi government and people do not harbor anti-U.S. ideals.

The Saudi Government has an opportunity to have their troops remain in Pensacola and to help start the mending of the relationship between their military forces and the people of Pensacola by hosting, in Saudi Arabia, a meeting between ordinary people of Saudi people and the U.S. delegation with a similar composition begin put together by the WhiteHouse.Gov petitioners and by MissionForPeace.Org in order to have a serious conversation about reducing radicalization and anti-U.S. Sentiment and the Saudi government helping to repair damage done by their military forces in Pensacola Florida by helping to build the center of education with an anti-Bullying theme.